As you are seeing in your own businesses, the COVID-19 situation is changing moment by moment. As such, the Mayor of Anchorage has made the difficult decision to declare a city-wide state of emergency and events cannot be held. David Kasser with Visit Anchorage is disappointed that NTA won’t be there to explore the wonders of his beautiful city and state, and NTA has already made the commitment that Contact will take place in Anchorage in 2022, so please mark your calendars.

If there’s a silver lining, you’ll be able to stay in the office and focus on your clients and your business. A canceled Contact is one of thousands of ways this virus has disrupted our lives and our work. I was so looking forward to having conversations with the NTA community about this unchartered territory and how to work through it to recovery. We will find a way to have those conversations, and we’ll be back in touch with that information.

For those of you who have signed up for the pre-Fam—some of you already in Alaska—the fam is still a go. David said he will take very good care of anyone who wants to stay and play, and he’s also happy to assist with any new travel plans. We will be in touch separately so you have direct access to David.

We will be canceling all room reservations at the Sheraton.

While it saddens me that we will not be together soon in Anchorage, please know that we will continue to work together toward a positive future.

If you have any questions, please reach out.

With sincere thanks,

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